Faculty, Thought Leadership & Curricular Innovation

Darden was built on the shoulders of its faculty. Campaign resources will enhance Darden’s most valuable asset and the educational offerings the faculty provides.

We will recruit new star professors and expand the faculty to meet new program demands. Darden must capitalize on this unique moment by fully endowing new permanent faculty chairs to enable the School to continue its incredible tradition of teaching excellence and advancing thought leadership.

We will explore new curricular possibilities and the power of technology to develop lifelong learners as the agile, critical and creative thinkers that business and society need by investing to create learning connections to Darden throughout a career progression.

We will amplify the impact of our research Centers of Excellence to increase the impact of Darden’s existing thought leadership and power the next generation of powerful ideas that move business practice forward.

And we will partner with UVA to break educational frontiers and reach new audiences.

Faculty Chairs

To continue Darden’s unique tradition of teaching excellence against an unprecedented wave of retirements and expanding programs, the School must fully endow dozens of new faculty chairs. These new professorships will enable Darden to recruit new star professors and continue offering the world’s best teachers and leading-edge thought leadership.

Thought Leadership

How will Darden advance the next generation of powerful faculty ideas that move business practice forward? Through world-class infrastructure and support from research fellows, post docs, editors, case writers and statisticians; improved connections with researchers across UVA; assets including a research library and research lab; and new research Centers of Excellence and enhancements to existing centers.

Curricular Innovation

As the world undergoes rapid shifts in the coming years, Darden must innovate its curriculum to prepare future leaders for the leading edge. The School will also maximize learning technology to develop students and executives as the leaders needed by business and society — anywhere, anytime. By investing in new programs, cases, courses and supporting technology, Darden’s educational offerings will break educational frontiers and reach new audiences.

Faculty Chairs

To continue Darden’s unique tradition of teaching excellence against an unprecedented wave of retirements and expanding programs, the School must fully endow dozens of new faculty chairs. These new professorships will enable Darden to recruit new star professors and continue offering the world’s best teachers and leading-edge thought leadership.

Thought Leadership

How will Darden advance the next generation of powerful faculty ideas that move business practice forward? Through world-class infrastructure and support from research fellows, post docs, editors, case writers and statisticians; improved connections with researchers across UVA; assets including a research library and research lab; and new research Centers of Excellence and enhancements to existing centers.

Curricular Innovation

As the world undergoes rapid shifts in the coming years, Darden must innovate its curriculum to prepare future leaders for the leading edge. The School will also maximize learning technology to develop students and executives as the leaders needed by business and society — anywhere, anytime. By investing in new programs, cases, courses and supporting technology, Darden’s educational offerings will break educational frontiers and reach new audiences.

Preeminent Scholars
Meet Faculty With Endowed Chairs

A new endowed faculty chair creates opportunity for one of Darden’s rising faculty stars.

Six Darden professors who define faculty excellence demonstrate how philanthropy drives their impact.

Building the Future
Meet Some of Our Newest Faculty
Technology and Operations Management

Panos Markou

Panos Markou helps firms make better decisions in the face of disruption.


Shane Dikolli

Teaching legend Shane Dikolli brings classroom excellence to Darden.


Tami Kim

Tami Kim’s behavioral research shakes up conventional wisdom.

Faculty Accolades
Top-Ranked Faculty
A Tradition of Teaching Excellence

Whether it’s No. 1 rankings for best faculty from The Princeton Review and Financial Times, students rating Darden professors the most inspiring in a Bloomberg Businessweek survey or simply feeling the spontaneous yet deliberate classroom experience orchestrated by one of the School’s master teachers, Darden’s competitive advantage is its faculty. Investments to preserve that advantage offer limitless dividends. 

Be a part of Darden’s fulcrum moment.